Princeton Data Science (PDS) fosters the study and practice of data science and machine learning
within the Princeton University community through three core programs.
We host guest speakers from industry teams and academic groups who share how they use data science in their work. If you would like to sponsor a Data@ event, please see our sponsorship guide.
DataDebut hosts student-led workshops on introductory and application-based data science tools with python. Workshops can be led by any interested Princeton student who wants to share their knowledge with others. Not only do we cover tools like numpy, pandas, scipy, and pytorch, but we also welcome interdisciplinary workshops that showcase the application of data science in non-STEM fields, and have also hosted research talks and office hours with professors in the past.
DataDev provides avenues for data science exposure to the entire Princeton student body through hands-on learning opportunities and experiences such as open competitions, project funding, and other similar events.
Our generous sponsors:

Sponsor PDS!
PDS relies on the generous support of industry and university groups to host educational events and support student members. If you are interested in hosting an event on campus or supporting our efforts, please see our sponsorship guide.
Contact Us
Please do note that Princeton Data Science is a student organization and not a university department. Consequently, we do not sponsor PhD or Masters students.
hello [at]